Friday, May 2, 2014

Truffles Without The Trouble!

Truffles without the trouble is the absolute perfect way to describe these little balls of joy! They are simple, healthy and only contain 5 ingredients! Yes, Only 5! :)  If you have kept up with my blog and know who I am, you know that a.) I am a sugar addict, b.) I use a ton of oat flour, so be prepared, and c.) that I am a sugar addict. Ha!

I was sitting at home earlier today after a lovely visit with an old pal and started thinking about how much I'd love some chocolate truffles. Random, I know!  So, I then thought, what do I have in my pantry to play with? I knew I wanted to make it simple and healthy of course, but I didn't  have any chocolate on hand. So, like any normal person, I made some.

Ready for my usual teaser photo?

Yes. They were that good too. 

So, for the first time ever, I made truffles.  Then as I just sat down to write this blog, I Googled a traditional truffle recipe.  The recipe I came up with was one that took an hour to make. 
Who has that kind of time? Geez.  

These took 15-20 minutes at best.  The recipe I found also called for heavy cream-FAT, butter-FAT, corn syrup-TURNS INTO FAT, and 18 ounces of chocolate-FAT FAT FAT. Now, this did make 30 truffles, but dang people!  I know truffles are supposed to be decadent and rich desserts, but that's a little much. Now, I am no idiot. I know that THAT truffle would be AMAZING! Who am I kidding. Does my truffle compare in taste and lusciousness? No, I'm sure not, but my truffle will hopefully quench the desire for that fatty truffle that will leave you with regret. 

Ok, enough. Recipe time!

Yields 10 truffles

For the filling/center of truffle: 
  • 2 tablespoons of all natural peanut butter (the kind that requires stirring)
  • 1 tbsp of agave nectar
  • 1 tbsp of melted virgin coconut oil
  • 3/4 cup of oat flour (ground whole oats)

That's it.  Mix all ingredients until well blended.  Roll into little balls and sit on a plate.  Put in refrigerator for 10 minutes to allow them to set.  In the mean time make your chocolate.

  • 1 tbsp of melted virgin coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp of agave nectar
  • 1 tbsp of cocoa powder

Mix until well blended.

Once the filling/center for the truffle has set in the refrigerator for 10 minutes and is hardened, remove and roll individually in the chocolate and return to the plate.  The chocolate will harden almost immediately because coconut oil will reform at about 72 degrees.  You could add some shredded coconut or maybe even dust some cocoa powder on top.  But I made mine just as I have described and they are magnificent!
Keep these refrigerated until eaten because coconut oil will melt at anything higher than 72 degrees and you'll just have some messy little desserts.

A few nutritional facts for all 10 Truffles:
Calories: 550
Sugar: 33 grams (from a natural source-Agave Nectar)
Only Good Healthy Fats from Coconut Oil and Natural Peanut Butter(I Promise)

As I have stated before, I highly recommend you doing your research on healthy fats.  Coconut oil does have a high number of saturated fat grams, 13 grams per serving.  BUT, these are good fats that actually allow your body to get rid of the bad fat cells.  Bad fat actually attaches itself to the fat in coconut oil and leaves your body.  There is a great article on on coconut oil that I highly recommend!
I strongly encourage you to make these heavenly little treats! 
Thanks everyone for reading! 

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