Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Clean"er" Eaters "Cornbread"-Soul food!

As I have become quite the extreme cleaner eater, I found myself craving my beloved cornbread.  I cook a lot of soups in this house, and I use to bake a pan of cornbread to partner with them.  Well, since we have adopted more of a clean to cleaner lifestyle, cornbread didn't fit into the plan.  After 6 weeks of no cornbread, I had to come up with something to quench that craving.  After all, if we don't feed that hungry beast inside of us, it will grow into a relapsing problem! Right? That is where I find most of the people I have talked to failed.  They would start to crave the foods that weren't good for them, and if they didn't substitute it with some healthier version, they'd just give up all together. I feel that.  Like I've said before, "clean" eating is too hard for me personally, that's why I am developing my "cleaner" menu of foods and it's working great for us! I went from 136 to now 127-and that's with some nice little side abs coming in too! What?? Braggin' I am! My husband went from 156 to now 144 and he is looking mighty fine ;)  This progress has happened since the first week of the year. That's it. Anyway...ready for a delicious photo followed by this yummy recipe? Got it!

This "cornbread" is actually a savory muffin.  I used oat flour-just like I do for most all of my recipes.  Oats are so good for you.  They are a cancer fighting, immune system building, low calorie, no fat, crazy awesome food for your body and brain.  And they are inexpensive, which is also great.  I buy my whole oats at Whole Foods.  They are actually much cheaper there than at Kroger surprisingly.  You can buy in bulk at Whole Foods at $1.39 a pound and they are organic.  The oats at Kroger are usually $1.79 for less than a pound. 


  • 1 1/2 cup of oats ground into a flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup of Greek Yogurt or you can use 1/4 cup of milk
  • 1 tbsp. of onion powder
  • 1 tbsp. of garlic powder
  • 1 tsp. of baking powder
  • 1 tsp. of baking soda
  • 1/4 cup of sunflower oil
  • 1 tsp. of salt
  • 1 tsp. of pepper
  • 2 tsp. of sage


Throw everything into a bowl and mix it. Easy as that.  If the batter comes out a little too thick then add some milk or more yogurt.(whichever you chose to use)
If it comes out too thin, then add a touch more of oat flour.

Bake at 350 for about 15-25 minutes depending on your oven.  I baked mine in muffin tins so they bake faster.  If you make this into more of a loaf or pan of "cornbread", then it will take a bit longer.(that's why I have a large span of time there) So, use your cooking sense and keep check on these once they hit that 15 minute mark in the oven. (toothpick test them)

The Greek yogurt will add more of the tangy flavor like a buttermilk cornbread would taste like, so if you prefer a basic cornbread or sweeter, then just use milk.

I chose Sage for my muffins.  It worked out amazing! I love Sage. It really gives it a wholesome flavor and it feels like a pop of Thanksgiving in your mouth! You can substitute different dry herbs here if you want to do different flavors. If you want more of an Italian "cornbread" then do some dry oregano or basil. I really don't think you can mess this recipe up.  I initially was going to do chili powder in this one, but decided Sage for today's vegetable soup. :)

One of the best things about this babe is one slice or muffin is under 100 calories. To my calculations they run you about 80 calories per piece. So enjoy 1 or 2 or even 3 if you are having a low calorie bowl of soup.  Your body can use it right??

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