Monday, January 20, 2014

43% Cacao Chocolate Chip Cookies

I titled this one 43% Cacao Chocolate Chip Cookies because I want to make a point about chocolate and the benefits it can hold.  Even with chocolate, these cookies can be considered clean"er" food.  Here's why:
*Chocolate contains essential trace elements and nutrients such as iron, calcium and potassium, and vitamins A. B1, C, D, and E.
*Cocoa is also the highest natural source for Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is linked with hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint problems and pre-menstrual tension (PMT or PMS). 
*It's a fact that plain dark chocolate products containing a minimum 43% or more cocoa solids are the healthiest and the best way to satisfy a craving for chocolate, without consuming too much sugar and saturated fat or HVO. 

The kind of dark chocolate that I buy is a bit pricier, but with that comes better ingredients that allow you to maintain that "cleaner" status to the food.  It does contain sugar, 8 g per tbsp.  Other ingredients are Belgian unsweetened chocolate, cocoa butter, milk fat, vanilla and soy lecithin.  That's it.  Just a few ingredients.  When shopping for this sweet treat I decided to allow in tiny increments, I researched the different bags of chocolate chips at the store.  Other, cheaper chocolates contained a ton of other ingredients that were chemically enhanced and created to taste like chocolate.  Literally twice the amount of ingredients than the bag I purchased.  I feel I made a smart decision, that allows me to keep my love of chocolate in my life.  After all, YOLO right? :) 

Ok..enough information.. You ready for the best "cleaner" chocolate chip cookie you've ever put in that mouth of yours?  Here ya go!

3/4 cup of oat flour (grind oats into flour)
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
2 tbsp. of ground flax seeds
1 tbsp. of finely ground espresso beans(I accidentally used hazelnut coffee beans and happy accident ever!)
1/2 tsp of baking powder
2 tbsp. of honey
1 tbsp. of pb2 or natural peanut butter
1 egg
1/4 cup of 43% cacao dark chocolate chips
1/4 cup pecans(optional but recommended)

Basically, throw it all in together..All at once! Mix well, then put onto an oiled(coconut oil) cookie sheet and bake for about 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Done! Eat! Enjoy! Yummy!
**Note-these don't mix up like a thick cookie dough. They are kinda runny, but a thick runny..make sense. No? Here's a photo of how they will look raw, before baking.

Be sure to watch these.  All ovens cook at different speeds.  I baked mine for about 9 to 10 minutes and they came out perfect!

One warning I will include, is..Parents, these are caffeinated! They contain the ground espresso beans, so I advise you to either bake these on a night alone or maybe bake an adult version with espresso and a child version with just the chocolate chips. Everyone wins!

See what I mean..
No No Sophie!  :)
(I made her a tiny batch...I'm a sweet mommy!)

Cheers everyone! and enjoy this "cleaner" chocolate chip cookie recipe!

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