Friday, January 17, 2014

Who knew this about Popcorn?

When it comes to healthy snacks, plain popcorn is at the top of most nutritionists' recommendation lists. Air-popped and eaten plain, popcorn is low in calories and fat and high in fiber and beneficial antioxidants, especially when compared to other common snack foods. Popcorn is a whole-grain food that can be eaten as part of healthy diet that includes at least six servings of grains every day.  And, I'm sure you're happy to know, this is considered "clean'er'" eating! :)  For the skeptics or those who say they don't have the time to make this healthier version of a snack, I recommend doing your research on microwave, bagged popcorn. It's FULL of chemicals. FULL of them.  Then think about what time you have and what time you may lose from eating all that bad stuff...Just sayin :)  Lastly, I'd like to add, that this bags/keeps well. I pop a 4 cup serving size, which is 110 calories, 1 gram of fat, 0 saturated fat, 4 g of fiber, and 3 g of protein, and bag it in a big Ziploc and keep it for days for me and my Soph to snack on.  It's Great!

Who knew that we could guiltlessly eat popcorn?  I personally enjoy mine with a few dashes of garlic powder or onion powder. You could spice it up and add cayenne pepper if you have that kind of adventurous spirit! As far as salt goes, I do add about 1/4 of a teaspoon, in which most of it falls to the bottom of the bowl.  Now, this is an adjustment from your typical movie popcorn, but it's also a compromise for your health.  It's all about making better decisions, and this is yet more proof that you don't have to give everything up that's yummy.  Also, I cook mine in about a tablespoon of sunflower oil.  Sunflower oil is a much healthier oil than most on the market.  It's not all too expensive, and it's very versatile. I recommend it.

White, air popped popcorn is easy breezy! Just put 1-2 tablespoons of oil in a pan, throw in a few kernels. Once the first one pops, add about 1/3 cup of kernels and pop away. Be sure to keep the pan slightly moving around, or else it'll burn and stink up your house!  Once popped, move to your bowl of choice, add a few spices, not salt based spices, just powdered spices, and enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Who knew!! I didn't know it could be bagged and saved for later! Thanks for the info Amanda!!!
