Monday, January 20, 2014

Soups up!

Today's post is about good for the soul soup!  I make a big pot of soup weekly.  I actually  make a big pot on Sunday, with the hopes of it lasting all week for lunches so we are set to go! But by mid-week, I'm usually throwing another one together, which is fine by me! I love coming up with new creations with what's left in the fridge!  Some may ask, why an entry about soup?  Well, you'd be surprised by how many I have found are soup challenged. So, here is a little info that will take you a long way, and save any produce that might be on the verge of becoming waste.
You can make a soup out of just about anything.  I use a ton of cabbage, different squash, kale, spinach, potatoes, carrots...anything I can throw in and season up, makes a great hearty lunch or dinner.  In essence, it's like making something out of nothing. :)

This weeks soup is a big vegetable mix of kale, onion bulbs, fresh onion, fresh garlic, celery with the leaves, and 3 bags of frozen vegetables, which included okra, carrots, lima beans, green get the picture.  I also use 2 cans of good whole tomatoes.  Anyhow, the question I have been asked is "how do you season it or how do you make the broth?" well, easy.  I use my "secret" ingredients. I always use garlic and onion powders, then salt and pepper, paprika, raw garlic, and a mix of parsley and thyme.  This will make a delicious soup that is sure to please:)

 One promise I am confident in making to you is that if you make a big pot of vegetable soup and eat it daily for lunch or dinner, you will not only lose some unwanted pounds, but you will definitely save some cash!  This meal will also allow you to buy good healthy ingredients like kale, cabbage, spinach or other vegetables that you may not love the taste of and mask them in the flavor of the broth and spices.  This is an effective healthy menu item that is sure to fill your belly, save your money, and please your honey! :) Enjoy!

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